Disability Awareness and Planning for Accessibility during Events is a in-depth guide about the importance of disability awareness when organising an event.

Disability Awareness and Planning for Accessibility during Events

This guide offers lots of helpful information such as:

  • An introduction to disability awareness when organising any kind of event. This includes understanding common barriers to accessibility in events and venues, as well as the economic benefit of inclusivity.
  • A guide to help event planners understand their responsibilities and legal obligations. For example, the UK Equality Act requires all events – including conferences and exhibitions – to be accessible and inclusive, and makes it illegal to discriminate against disabled attendees.
  • Lots of practical and useful tips, advice, and information to help plan and organise a safe and disabled-friendly event – including guidelines, best practices, and checklists to help prepare and improve event accessibility.
  • This guide is also part of a larger resource on event safety and planning – so you and your readers may find other tools and resources that could be useful for anyone organising an event.