We are a network of disabled people, for disabled people.
At SGDEN, we are always looking for people to join our community. Whether you have a disability or would like to enhance the lives of those that do, please see the options below of how to apply.
Members get mailings with useful information, invitations to our meetings and the chance to comment on issues of concern. You only need to become as involved as you want to be.
The aims of SGDEN are to:
- Promote equality for all disabled people, their families and carers,
- Raise awareness of the issues and barriers to participation and equal opportunity facing disabled people with a view to their remedy and removal,
- Increase participation and involvement of disabled people in public life,
- Promote the understanding, adoption and implementation of the Social Model of Disability
Apply for membership
Are you interested in becoming a member of the SGDEN Community?
To apply to become a member of the SGDEN Community, we will need some information from you. You can either:
- Complete the electronic form below.
- Download the form here and post it to us at the address on our ‘Contact Us’ page
- Email us at info@sgden.org.uk to request a hard copy to be sent to you
- Email us at info@sgeden.org.uk to request a phone or video call to run through the application form