Would you like to support us with fundraising?

Do you have a disability or know someone with a disability who has benefited from community organisations and would like to be able to give something back in your spare time?

Or are you a professional fundraiser who would like to lend your skills to a small organisation?

We are seeking people to help us with our fundraising.

This could be through sponsorship challenges, linking us with businesses or employers, small or large fundraising events, setting us up with various schemes (e.g. printer cartridge or stamp recycling) or through grants and trusts.

For more inspiration, have a look here and please do get in touch!


Join Us

South Gloucestershire Disability Equality Network is a network of disabled people, for disabled people. Please complete the membership form to join our community.


Your gift will really make a difference to help us reach more disabled people in the area, and improve lives, for example through our Can’t Wait scheme.

Share Your Skills

Would you like to get involved? We are looking for volunteers who are able to share their time and skills with us.