SGDEN November Newsletter



Join our online AGM – Tuesday 3 Dec, 4pm – 6pm

New SGDEN Website – take a look for yourself

Can’t wait scheme – open to individuals, businesses and communities

Experiencing inequality? We want to hear from you



Tockington Conservation Area (CAA&MP)

Parking Charges Survey

NHS have your say on its future

South Glos Budget proposals



Eddystone Trust – Sexual Health chat and testing sessions

Kings Chase – Social Sundays

Marmalade – Alone at Christmas?

People First – Free Activities

AbilityNet – How to avoid seasonal scams

Paul’s Place – Launches in-house volunteer service

Been There – Supporting those with body image issues

Second Step – Free wellbeing workshops and courses



Volunteer for us and find out about other opportunities


We want to hear from you about your experiences of inequality in South Gloucestershire.

  • How can we work with the council to address these inequalities?

  • Do you have experiences that highlight issues in the area?


Please email your thoughts and comments to info@sgden.org.uk and we will include your feedback in our discussions with the Council and other community groups.


Learn more about the proposed Conservation Area and associated Character Appraisal & Management Plan and take part in the survey here.

The council is keen, through this consultation, for residents and other stakeholders to get a clear understanding of the extent of the financial challenges it faces and the measures that may be needed to balance the books.


To review the proposals and share your feedback visit the website.

Join the virtual Community Engagement Pop-Up meetings taking place on Thursday 12 December.  Meeting links are below, just click one of the links at the time of the meeting you would like to join.  If you would like the information in a different format please contact email communityengagement@southglos.gov.uk, or call 01454 868113 or visit their website.

Join – Thursday 12 December 2024 at 12pm
Join – Thursday 12 December 2024 at   6pm


The Eddystone trust will be at the Ridgewood Community Centre in Yate on, Friday 29 November from 10am – 1pm offering chat and testing sessions.


Join Ben for a non-judgemental chat about sexual health and get yourself tested for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV & Syphilis during the session. For more information, ring Ben on 07587638818.

Paul’s Place, will launch a brand-new in-house volunteering service to help physically disabled adults to volunteer, thanks to an award from Global’s Make Some Noise fund.  The new volunteer officer will work closely with the members of Paul’s Place to build their self-confidence and skills.


Paul’s Place who is set to take over the Shire Way Community Centre in Yate later next year, says it will use the funds “to upskill and build confidence for physically disabled adults to actively volunteer through its brand-new in-house volunteering service”.


The charity said: “Many of the people using services at Paul’s Place have untapped skills and knowledge that they’re eager to use in the community.  “They could also gain vital work experience through volunteering that could lead to future employment. Yet, many volunteer opportunities are not fully accessible outside of our day facility and evening programmes.”


For more information email them direct on info@paulsplace.org.uk.

Been There is a charity with an app that connects people aged 18 and over with a vetted and trained Mentor to help with any body image issues they may be experiencing. This gives them the opportunity to speak to someone who has ‘Been For more information visit the website.


SGDEN NEWSLETTER – Share your news and events


At SGDEN, we are always keen to provide a platform for local disability groups to share what they have been doing and events that they are running.

If you would like us to share your story or event in the newsletter, please send details to news@sgden.org.uk
